Thursday, March 31, 2011

Web Commentary for boys! Fire stealth combat car!

If you want to read what this awful blog post is about, action your clicker finger here to transform into blogging power. Be a hero!

So the above images are supposed to teach you about "reinforcing gender stereotypes" and the language in kids' commercials, but all it really did was make me want a t-shirt with all the "boy words" on it. Ultimate! Stealth! Ninja! Mega!

Also, my favorite line from the article is as follows: I hyphenated words that were meant to stay together, like "special forces" and "killer boots." So, today I learned that the words "killer" and "boots" were meant to stay together, which is awesome, but which also makes me disappointed in my own boots, as they have a demonstrated lack of killing power.

I also learned that "Reinforces Gender Stereotypes" apparently means the same thing as "understands an audience." I mean, it's not exactly nefarious to advertise BATTLE POWER ROBOTS to boys watching a show called ROBOTIC POWER BATTLE.

Well, it might be nefarious, but it's not nefariously sexist.

I think The Swede would totally watch a show called "Friendship Magic Fun Party." The Boo would practice his karate moves on her until she changed it back to Battling Robots or Raceway Ninjas or Blue's Clues. Then Jen would unplug the {EXPLETIVE DELETED BECAUSE MY MOM READS THIS} television and tape the sign with the big red X on the front which means "there will be no more television until our children stop being such obvious gender stereotypes." I'll be sitting in the other room, watching sports on the big television and eating a giant turkey leg.