Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Chimney Foot

You know when it's sort of cold in your bedroom and so you get under a ton of covers but then you get a little too warm but you don't want to get out from under the covers so you stick your foot out of the covers to try to reach some sort of equilibrium? This is called "The Chimney Foot," and The Boo makes use of its unique thermodynamics on a nightly basis.

The Chimney Foot in action. No, that is not a trick of perspective,
The Boo's foot is really that huge.

Having this tiny practitioner in the house has allowed me to study The Chimney Foot, leading to one particularly counter-intuitive finding: somehow, The Chimney Foot is much, much warmer than the rest of the body. You would expect it to be cooler due to its contact with the frigid outside world, but I actually made a grilled cheese sandwich (not pictured) on The Boo's Chimney Foot.


katie said...

i do the same thing!!

Anonymous said...

LOVE the blog! Give the fam our love. CB