Saturday, March 6, 2010

What? We have a blog?

Ok, so if you've come here looking for information about our trip to Vancouver, British Columbia, then you're really not keeping up. That was like a year and a half ago. So, while you were putting off reading our blog, we've loaded up a house worth of stuff, three animals and two kids and moved 2600 miles away from Atlanta to Portland, OR. That'll teach you.

So, the blog has a new title, and I think I'm going to start writing it again. I've got a couple of months worth of stuff to catch up on, so I'll mix in some flashbacks to the moving process and the beginning of the year. It'll be like Lost, but instead of a smoke monster, there's just a horrible, untraceable smell in the kitchen. Sometimes. But more on that later.

Anyway, this post is the inflection point in this blog. Earlier posts are about Vancouver, which you might recognize from the Games of the Broken Torch Olympiad. Later posts are about Portland, which you may recognize as being the home of Beverly Cleary.

1 comment:

Jean Joiner said...

glad you're back...i need more humor in my google reader