Sunday, July 13, 2008

No, that's a bear in a bee costume.

At the corner of Robson and Thurlow, there exists a strange phenomenon that I've never seen before.

It's hard to see here, but if you click on the picture to enlarge, you'll see that there are Starbucks on two of the four corners of this intersection. I'm sure this is pretty well-traveled comedy ground (you know, "I went to a Starbucks and they were building another Starbucks inside it har har har.") but I couldn't help but think of the scene in Best in Show where Parker Posey and her boyfriend are talking about how they met and she says, "We met at Starbucks. Not at the same Starbucks but we saw each other at different Starbucks across the street from each other."

This scene ends with the awesome line "We are so lucky. We are so lucky to have been raised amongst catalogs."


Carol B. said...

Thank you for the update. I was about to call the Mounties to make sure you guys were still there and ok. Luv, Aunt Carol

Lisa Allen said...

Starbucks, Starbucks... makes me want to rent BEST IN SHOW!


Lisa Allen said...

I'm ready for a new post! When are you guys coming home! We miss you! :-) Love, Lisa