Sunday, July 13, 2008

Canadian Scott

So, I was walking down Robson Street the day before yesterday, and I saw a guy in a suit holding a sign that said "FREE HUGS." The price sounded right, so I hugged the guy. Now, I'm not going to sit here and blog that it was the best hug I've ever gotten, but you get what you pay for.

Jennifer didn't believe that I hugged the guy with the "Free Hugs" sign, because, well, she says I'm not the type of person that hugs people I know, much less strangers on the street. I calmly explained to her that AMERICAN Scott doesn't hug people, um, ever. CANADIAN Scott will take a free hug from a quasi-sketchy looking dude on the street with a handmade sign.

Canadian Scott also has an infallible sense of direction.

1 comment:

Lisa Allen said...

I understand what Scott means about the American Scott and the Canadian Scott. The Canadian Lisa did things I didn't typically do in the USA. I can't mention them here, of course....

Glad Scott got a free hug even if Jen doesn't believe him.

Love, Lisa